Ready to talk one-on-one? 

Hold please

“Your call will be answered in the order it was received”

In today’s technology-driven world, attempts at efficiency often override the personal attention small business owners want and deserve.  Especially when it comes to the most important asset of your business – your staff.  That’s what makes 800# mazes, chat bots, pre-recorded FAQs and long on-hold queues unhelpful and frustrating.

Do any of these common scenarios sound familiar?

  • Unfortunately, a worker has a mishap on the job

What steps will you need to take regarding the employee, doctors, and your workers’ comp insurance?  Will you contact your traditional payroll service or insurance agent or both?  Will you be able to talk with someone experienced in coordinating out-of-work and back-to-work timing?

  • A new hire wants to learn and enroll in benefit programs. 

Do you have them watch a video to learn about all their options?  Or browse a website to answer questions they will have?  And can they get that done before the enrollment period expires?

  • Good news! Your employee’s family is expecting a baby. 

Can a chat bot or web-portal explain the paperwork they need to get disability benefits?  If there is a ‘glitch’ with the device they are using to access, print or submit their info – will you have time to help them?  How long will you be on hold to find out how Federal Family Leave coincides with NY State disability?

  • You can print payroll checks each week, but the ‘one-offs’ can get tricky. 

What program do you need to be proficient with, to replace an employee’s payroll debit card?  Where in the portal do you find an employee’s earning history so he can get a loan approval?   And when an agency questions your compliance with the payment or return filings, is your accountant on hand to produce records for proof of compliance?

All these scenarios have the potential to cost you a great deal of time and headaches trying to work through all the details to keep your employees happy.

Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) are co-employers of your staff.  The PEO is not only responsible for your workers’ timely and accurate payroll, but also the administration of your HR obligations.  That is why clear, easy communication is paramount to both the business owner and the workers.  And that is why calls are answered and emails responded to personally by Employ-Ease, usually immediately.  We take our role as employer liaison and employee advocate seriously.

As small business owners ourselves, we understand that you don’t want a learning curve to ensure the rights and protections of your employees – you want concise, accurate answers without a long wait.

In our opinion, directing you to a ‘self-service’ option is just ducking our obligation to provide true service.  We do not over-explain or speak ‘legal-ease’.  We make changes that you request on short notice and happily comply with out-of-the-ordinary needs.  Heck, we are known to answer and return calls beyond the Monday – Friday, 8am -5pm window.

When you partner with Employ-Ease you may be surprised that your call is answered immediately by a real person, very often Lisa Kretzer, the owner.  That’s right, no ‘press one for English’, no long wait listening to static on-hold music, no pre-recorded answers that don’t address your specific question.  

Need proof?  Go ahead, call Lisa today!

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